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TrustedLogin SDK

Easily and securely log in to your customers sites when providing support.

Our priority: Be secure and don't crash sites

When you integrate TrustedLogin into your project (theme, plugin, or custom code), you are counting on us not to mess up your customer or clients' sites. We take that extremely seriously.

Including in your plugin or theme


When you see ProBlockBuilder, make sure to replace with your own namespace!

In the examples below, we're going to pretend your plugin or theme is named "Pro Block Builder" and your business is named Widgets, Co. These should not be the names you use—make sure to update the sample code below to match your business and plugin/theme name!

Install Strauss & update your composer.json file

  1. Install Strauss. Strauss is used for namespacing the Client to prevent conflicts with other plugins or themes that are using TrustedLogin. We recommend installing via the strauss.phar method.
    1. cd into your plugin or theme directory
    2. Run curl -o strauss.phar -L -C -
  2. Run composer require trustedlogin/client:dev-main to install the TrustedLogin Client SDK
  3. Run composer require scssphp/scssphp --dev to install scssphp as a dev dependency. This is used to generate and namespace the CSS used by TrustedLogin. If you already have scssphp installed, or are using an alternative way to namespace the CSS, skip this step.
  4. Update your composer.json file to integrate with Strauss. Follow the instructions as detailed in the Strauss documentation for namespacing your plugin and theme. See example below.
"require": {
"trustedlogin/client": "dev-main"
"require-dev": {
"brianhenryie/strauss": "dev-master",
"scssphp/scssphp": "^v1.11.0"
"autoload": {
"classmap": [
"extra": {
"strauss": {
"target_directory": "vendor-namespaced",
"namespace_prefix": "ProBlockBuilder\\",
"classmap_prefix": "ProBlockBuilder_",
"classmap_output": true,
"packages": [
"scripts": {
"strauss": [
"@php strauss.phar"
"trustedlogin": [
"@php vendor/bin/build-sass --namespace=ProBlockBuilder"
"post-install-cmd": [
"post-update-cmd": [
  1. Run composer update to update your dependencies. Strauss should generate a vendor-namespaced/ directory. If it doesn't, you may need to run composer install first.
  2. Follow these directions to configure and instantiate the client

To manually include the autoloader

If you chose to set classmap_output to false in the Strauss configuration, you will need to include the autoloader in your code. If using the sample above, it would be located at vendor-namepaced/autoload.php; the code would be something like:

// For a plugin or theme:
include_once trailingslashit( dirname( __FILE__ ) ) . 'vendor-namespaced/autoload.php';

Vendor directory cleanup

If you find the TrustedLogin directories in your vendor/ directory to be undesirable for some reason, you may use this configuration for the trustedlogin script in Composer.

Replace this:

"trustedlogin": [
"@php vendor/bin/build-sass --namespace=ProBlockBuilder"

With this:

"trustedlogin": [
"@php vendor/bin/build-sass --namespace=ProBlockBuilder",
"[ -d 'vendor/trustedlogin' ] && rm -rf vendor/trustedlogin || true",
"[ -d 'vendor/scssphp' ] && rm -rf vendor/scssphp || true",
"[ -d 'vendor/bin' ] && rm -rf vendor/bin/build-sass && rm -rf vendor/bin/pscss || true"

The script modification will now remove the trustedlogin, scssphp, and TrustedLogin-related files inside bin.

No-Conflict mode

Some plugins like Gravity Forms and GravityView have a "no-conflict mode" to limit script and style conflicts. If you see scripts and styles not loading on your Grant Support Access page, that's what's going on.

The WordPress script and style handles registered by TrustedLogin are formatted as trustedlogin-{namespace}. Here's an example of how GravityView (with a namespace of gravityview) allows TrustedLogin scripts:

add_filter( 'gravityview_noconflict_scripts', function ( $allowed_scripts = array() ) {

$allowed_scripts[] = 'trustedlogin-gravityview'; // ⚠️ GravityView's namespace is `gravityview`

return $allowed_scripts;
} );

Testing on local environments

TrustedLogin won't work in local environments unless using a tunnel such as ngrok. Thus, TrustedLogin will display a warning when attempting to generate a login when in a local environment.

To disable the warning, define TRUSTEDLOGIN_DISABLE_LOCAL_NOTICE and set it to true:


Reference IDs

Reference IDs are useful when you want to attach a specific ticket ID or conversation ID to a login.

Reference IDs can be passed via URL like so: wp-login.php?action=trustedlogin&ns={namespace}&ref=[123]

When a Reference ID exists, users will see the reference while granting access:

Reference ID is shown below the footer links in the Grant Access screen


We recommend disabling logging by default, but sometimes logs are necessary.

  1. TrustedLogin creates a trustedlogin-logs directory inside the wp-content/uploads/ directory.
  2. An empty index.html file is placed inside the directory to prevent browsing.
  3. New log files are created daily for each TrustedLogin namespace. The default log filename format is client-{namespace}-{Y-m-d}-{hash}.log
    • {namespace} is the namespace of your business, plugin, or theme name
    • {date} is YYYY-MM-DD format
    • The hash is generated using wp_hash() using on the vendor/namespace, site home_url(), and the day of the year (date('z')). The point of the hash is to make log names harder to guess (security by obscurity).

Using your own logging library

If you add an action for trustedlogin/{namespace}/logging/log, TrustedLogin will let you handle logging. The trustedlogin-logs directory and log files will not be created.